美速货源网 > 餐饮行业新闻资讯 > 莆田鞋厂家货源2021-12-7 >  劳力士新款行情预测及购买建议(2016.10.12)



发布时间:2024-12-19 07:08:09  来源:互联网整理  浏览:   【】【】【




昨天大家应该都被劳力士新品刷屏了吧? 从今年的新品发布到正式发布,整个过程让表迷们议论纷纷:先是提前预测今年会发布什么,然后是“怎么买”之类的劳力士新品》(有钱买,还能干什么?买)等心灵鸡汤。 但是今天,让我们直截了当:购买一块新的劳力士要花多少钱?

劳力士今年实际上总共发布了数百款手表。 幸运的是,它们可以分为四种类型:Submariner(水鬼)、Vertical Navigator(天行者)、Oyster Perpetual 和 Datejust(DJ)。 物品。

对于VIP来说,不需要考虑太多外在因素,买自己喜欢的就好,反正专柜公价是最早一批。 比如一位劳力士运动款一年毕业的表友,已经订购了一款全新的绿水鬼,10月左右上市。 并且,据他介绍,欧美地区最早一批会在9月底左右上市。 不过,对于普通消费者来说,劳力士的新款在产品层面上也是非常讲究的。 哪些会超过公价,能炒多久,能炒多远……都将影响未来消费者的选择。





其中,新绿水鬼126610lv争议最大。 借鉴了2003年16610lv铝圈绿水鬼的配色,绿色表圈+黑色表盘。 有人说这个组合很有质感,比上一代116610lv的绿环绿盘更高级。 有人开玩笑说,换黑盘更高级。 便于伪造。



不管怎样,喜不喜欢是个人审美问题。 客观事实是,在新款绿水鬼发布后,两代老款车型的价格迅速飙升。

可能很多人不明白,为什么新款劳力士一出来,老款劳力士就会出现行情暴涨。 高层真有人接管市场? 我觉得比较合理的解释是,这波老款的行情不是为了引导销量,而是为了锚定新款的市场,起到垫底的作用。 试想,如果老款售价14万,新机芯、盘面颜色不同的新款不到16万,就没有卡。 因此,我预估首批全新绿水鬼报价在16万-18万之间,国内专柜搭售40万元左右; 再过几个月,货源充足,价格会降到15万左右。

16万到18万的市场价或者专柜40万的配额,高吗? 还是那句话,分开人! 普通消费者肯定不值,没必要为了第一的名声多花几万; 但是对于一些人来说,真的不贵,能买到“全国第一”“论坛第一块”的称号就值了! 就好比一个大佬220万买了一部全片的彩虹迪,在朋友圈视频里撕了片子直接卖了210万给朋友。 按照他的说法,十万买这么高的关注度,很划算。 如果你还不明白,想想那些在苹果首发日涨价收机或者追求网游首杀的人是一样的心态。


基本上每年劳力士新品发布的时候,都会有很多人出于各种目的,故意把热门款报低价,很多钟表界的新人都会因此上当。 今年也有号称港澳第一报价的全新绿水鬼,149800HKD。

在我看来,这句话有点侮辱智商。 稍微有点脑子的人都知道,按照现在0.8838的汇率折算成人民币13.3万元。 一万三千! 老款绿水鬼的市场价格低于现款。 如果是真的,我可以在几秒钟内完成。 还需要卖家到处问。 说真的,品牌9月1号刚出新品,经销商不知道怎么订,给多少,但有人能给出准确的价格,岂不是瞎说?


虽然我很喜欢这只,整体质感很上档次,重量也刚刚好,但压在手上不会有负担,但是因为表的公价太高,确实不像钢模那样受众广泛,所以以后大概率不会用到。 会太热。 预计首批上市价格在35万元左右。 企稳之后回到公价附近也不是没有可能。


举个简单的例子,老款31系金黑在新品出来后市场价格从10.6万左右涨到11万左右,那么新32系金黑当时的价格应该在12万左右。 行情稳定后,这6款新车型的报价将与老款脱钩。 至于脱钩时涨了多少,没有参考价值很难判断。 但是有一点是可以肯定的,到时候拿出这6款31老款的人会很伤心的。 表哥7t惊醒了梦想家,“如果新款带日历的黑水龟未来市场价格稳定在10万以上,超过12.66万的单红海使,佩戴效果差不多,那单红海使就变得很香了。”




昨天大家应该都被劳力士新品刷屏了吧? 从今年的新品发布到正式发布,整个过程让表迷们议论纷纷:先是提前预测今年会发布什么,然后是“怎么买”之类的劳力士新品》(有钱买,还能干什么?买)等心灵鸡汤。 但是今天,让我们直截了当:购买一块新的劳力士要花多少钱?

劳力士今年实际上总共发布了数百款手表。 幸运的是,它们可以分为四种类型:Submariner(水鬼)、Vertical Navigator(天行者)、Oyster Perpetual 和 Datejust(DJ)。 物品。

对于VIP来说,不需要考虑太多外在因素,买自己喜欢的就好,反正专柜公价是最早一批。 比如一位劳力士运动款一年毕业的表友,已经订购了一款全新的绿水鬼,10月左右上市。 并且,据他介绍,欧美地区最早一批会在9月底左右上市。 不过,对于普通消费者来说,劳力士的新款在产品层面上也是非常讲究的。 哪些会超过公价,能炒多久,能炒多远……都将影响未来消费者的选择。





其中,新绿水鬼126610lv争议最大。 借鉴了2003年16610lv铝圈绿水鬼的配色,绿色表圈+黑色表盘。 有人说这个组合很有质感,比上一代116610lv的绿环绿盘更高级。 有人开玩笑说,换黑盘更高级。 便于伪造。



不管怎样,喜不喜欢是个人审美问题。 客观事实是,在新款绿水鬼发布后,两代老款车型的价格迅速飙升。

可能很多人不明白,为什么新款劳力士一出来,老款劳力士就会出现行情暴涨。 高层真有人接管市场? 我觉得比较合理的解释是,这波老款的行情不是为了引导销量,而是为了锚定新款的市场,起到垫底的作用。 试想,如果老款售价14万,新机芯、盘面颜色不同的新款不到16万,就没有卡。 因此,我预估首批全新绿水鬼报价在16万-18万之间,国内专柜搭售40万元左右; 再过几个月,货源充足,价格会降到15万左右。

16万到18万的市场价或者专柜40万的配额,高吗? 还是那句话,分开人! 普通消费者肯定不值,没必要为了第一的名声多花几万; 但是对于一些人来说,真的不贵,能买到“全国第一”“论坛第一块”的称号就值了! 就好比一个大佬220万买了一部全片的彩虹迪,在朋友圈视频里撕了片子直接卖了210万给朋友。 按照他的说法,十万买这么高的关注度,很划算。 如果你还不明白,想想那些在苹果首发日涨价收机或者追求网游首杀的人是一样的心态。


基本上每年劳力士新品发布的时候,都会有很多人出于各种目的,故意把热门款报低价,很多钟表界的新人都会因此上当。 今年也有号称港澳第一报价的全新绿水鬼,149800HKD。

在我看来,这句话有点侮辱智商。 稍微有点脑子的人都知道,按照现在0.8838的汇率折算成人民币13.3万元。 一万三千! 老款绿水鬼的市场价格低于现款。 如果是真的,我可以在几秒钟内完成。 还需要卖家到处问。 说真的,品牌9月1号刚出新品,经销商不知道怎么订,给多少,但有人能给出准确的价格,岂不是瞎说?


虽然我很喜欢这只,整体质感很上档次,重量也刚刚好,但压在手上不会有负担,但是因为表的公价太高,确实不像钢模那样受众广泛,所以以后大概率不会用到。 会太热。 预计首批上市价格在35万元左右。 企稳之后回到公价附近也不是没有可能。


举个简单的例子,老款31系金黑在新品出来后市场价格从10.6万左右涨到11万左右,那么新32系金黑当时的价格应该在12万左右。 行情稳定后,这6款新车型的报价将与老款脱钩。 至于脱钩时涨了多少,没有参考价值很难判断。 但是有一点是可以肯定的,到时候拿出这6款31老款的人会很伤心的。 表哥7t惊醒了梦想家,“如果新款带日历的黑水龟未来市场价格稳定在10万以上,超过12.66万的单红海使,佩戴效果差不多劳力士新款行情预测及购买建议(2016.10.12),那单红海使就变得很香了。”




昨天大家应该都被劳力士新品刷屏了吧? 从今年的新品发布到正式发布,整个过程让表迷们议论纷纷:先是提前预测今年会发布什么,然后是“怎么买”之类的劳力士新品》(有钱买,还能干什么?买)等心灵鸡汤。 但是今天,让我们直截了当:购买一块新的劳力士要花多少钱?

劳力士今年实际上总共发布了数百款手表。 幸运的是,它们可以分为四种类型:Submariner(水鬼)、Vertical Navigator(天行者)、Oyster Perpetual 和 Datejust(DJ)。 物品。

对于VIP来说,不需要考虑太多外在因素,买自己喜欢的就好,反正专柜公价是最早一批。 比如一位劳力士运动款一年毕业的表友,已经订购了一款全新的绿水鬼,10月左右上市。 并且,据他介绍,欧美地区最早一批会在9月底左右上市。 不过,对于普通消费者来说,劳力士的新款在产品层面上也是非常讲究的。 哪些会超过公价,能炒多久,能炒多远……都将影响未来消费者的选择。





其中,新绿水鬼126610lv争议最大。 借鉴了2003年16610lv铝圈绿水鬼的配色,绿色表圈+黑色表盘。 有人说这个组合很有质感,比上一代116610lv的绿环绿盘更高级。 有人开玩笑说,换黑盘更高级。 便于伪造。



不管怎样,喜不喜欢是个人审美问题。 客观事实是,在新款绿水鬼发布后,两代老款车型的价格迅速飙升。

可能很多人不明白,为什么新款劳力士一出来,老款劳力士就会出现行情暴涨。 高层真有人接管市场? 我觉得比较合理的解释是,这波老款的行情不是为了引导销量,而是为了锚定新款的市场,起到垫底的作用。 试想,如果老款售价14万,新机芯、盘面颜色不同的新款不到16万,就没有卡。 因此,我预估首批全新绿水鬼报价在16万-18万之间,国内专柜搭售40万元左右; 再过几个月,货源充足,价格会降到15万左右。

16万到18万的市场价或者专柜40万的配额,高吗? 还是那句话,分开人! 普通消费者肯定不值,没必要为了第一的名声多花几万; 但是对于一些人来说,真的不贵,能买到“全国第一”“论坛第一块”的称号就值了! 就好比一个大佬220万买了一部全片的彩虹迪,在朋友圈视频里撕了片子直接卖了210万给朋友。 按照他的说法,十万买这么高的关注度,很划算。 如果你还不明白,想想那些在苹果首发日涨价收机或者追求网游首杀的人是一样的心态。


基本上每年劳力士新品发布的时候,都会有很多人出于各种目的,故意把热门款报低价,很多钟表界的新人都会因此上当。 今年也有号称港澳第一报价的全新绿水鬼,149800HKD。

在我看来,这句话有点侮辱智商。 稍微有点脑子的人都知道,按照现在0.8838的汇率折算成人民币13.3万元。 一万三千! 老款绿水鬼的市场价格低于现款。 如果是真的,我可以在几秒钟内完成。 还需要卖家到处问。 说真的,品牌9月1号刚出新品,经销商不知道怎么订,给多少,但有人能给出准确的价格,岂不是瞎说?


虽然我很喜欢这只,整体质感很上档次,重量也刚刚好,但压在手上不会有负担,但是因为表的公价太高,确实不像钢模那样受众广泛,所以以后大概率不会用到。 会太热。 预计首批上市价格在35万元左右。 企稳之后回到公价附近也不是没有可能。


举个简单的例子,老款31系金黑在新品出来后市场价格从10.6万左右涨到11万左右,那么新32系金黑当时的价格应该在12万左右。 行情稳定后,这6款新车型的报价将与老款脱钩。 至于脱钩时涨了多少,没有参考价值很难判断。 但是有一点是可以肯定的,到时候拿出这6款31老款的人会很伤心的。 表哥7t惊醒了梦想家,“如果新款带日历的黑水龟未来市场价格稳定在10万以上,超过12.66万的单红海使,佩戴效果差不多,那单红海使就变得很香了。”




昨天大家应该都被劳力士新品刷屏了吧? 从今年的新品发布到正式发布,整个过程让表迷们议论纷纷:先是提前预测今年会发布什么,然后是“怎么买”之类的劳力士新品》(有钱买,还能干什么?买)等心灵鸡汤。 但是今天,让我们直截了当:购买一块新的劳力士要花多少钱?

劳力士今年实际上总共发布了数百款手表。 幸运的是,它们可以分为四种类型:Submariner(水鬼)、Vertical Navigator(天行者)、Oyster Perpetual 和 Datejust(DJ)。 物品。

对于VIP来说,不需要考虑太多外在因素,买自己喜欢的就好,反正专柜公价是最早一批。 比如一位劳力士运动款一年毕业的表友,已经订购了一款全新的绿水鬼,10月左右上市。 并且,据他介绍,欧美地区最早一批会在9月底左右上市。 不过,对于普通消费者来说,劳力士的新款在产品层面上也是非常讲究的。 哪些会超过公价劳力士官方直营店能买到哪些款,能炒多久,能炒多远……都将影响未来消费者的选择。





其中,新绿水鬼126610lv争议最大。 借鉴了2003年16610lv铝圈绿水鬼的配色,绿色表圈+黑色表盘。 有人说这个组合很有质感,比上一代116610lv的绿环绿盘更高级。 有人开玩笑说,换黑盘更高级。 便于伪造。



不管怎样,喜不喜欢是个人审美问题。 客观事实是,在新款绿水鬼发布后,两代老款车型的价格迅速飙升。

可能很多人不明白,为什么新款劳力士一出来,老款劳力士就会出现行情暴涨。 高层真有人接管市场? 我觉得比较合理的解释是,这波老款的行情不是为了引导销量,而是为了锚定新款的市场,起到垫底的作用。 试想,如果老款售价14万,新机芯、盘面颜色不同的新款不到16万,就没有卡。 因此,我预估首批全新绿水鬼报价在16万-18万之间,国内专柜搭售40万元左右; 再过几个月,货源充足,价格会降到15万左右。

16万到18万的市场价或者专柜40万的配额,高吗? 还是那句话,分开人! 普通消费者肯定不值,没必要为了第一的名声多花几万; 但是对于一些人来说,真的不贵,能买到“全国第一”“论坛第一块”的称号就值了! 就好比一个大佬220万买了一部全片的彩虹迪,在朋友圈视频里撕了片子直接卖了210万给朋友。 按照他的说法,十万买这么高的关注度,很划算。 如果你还不明白,想想那些在苹果首发日涨价收机或者追求网游首杀的人是一样的心态。


基本上每年劳力士新品发布的时候,都会有很多人出于各种目的,故意把热门款报低价,很多钟表界的新人都会因此上当。 今年也有号称港澳第一报价的全新绿水鬼,149800HKD。

在我看来,这句话有点侮辱智商。 稍微有点脑子的人都知道,按照现在0.8838的汇率折算成人民币13.3万元。 一万三千! 老款绿水鬼的市场价格低于现款。 如果是真的,我可以在几秒钟内完成。 还需要卖家到处问。 Let's be serious, the brand just released a new product on September 1st, and the distributors don't know how to order and how many to give, but someone can give the exact price, isn't it just nonsense?

In addition to the new green water ghost, the platinum blue water ghost has also been replaced with a black face that is obviously different from the 31 models.

Although I like this one very much, the overall texture is very high-grade, and the weight is just right, but it will not be a burden to press the hand, but because the public price of the watch is too high, it does not have a wide audience like the steel model, so there is a high probability that it will not be used in the future. It will be too hot. It is estimated that the first batch of market prices will be around 350,000 yuan. After stabilization, it is not impossible to return to around the public price.

The other six brand-new 32-series water ghosts have no obvious difference from the 31-series, which has led to most consumers who already have the old models not updating them, and can only attract those who are still empty-handed, which is equivalent to A lot of potential users have been subtracted, so I think the market prices of the six 32-series water ghosts in a short period of time are corresponding The old model of the 31 series is about 10,000 yuan higher-after all, it has a new movement.

To give a simple example, the market price of the old 31 series gold and black rose from about 106,000 to about 110,000 after the new product came out, so the price of the new 32 series gold and black at that time should be about 120,000. After the market stabilizes, the quotations of these six new models will be decoupled from the old ones. As for how much they have risen when decoupling, it is difficult to judge without reference values. But one thing is for sure, when the time comes, those who come up with these six 31 old models will be very sad. Cousin 7t awakened the dreamer, "If the future market price of the new Heishuigui with calendar is stable above 100,000, surpassing the 126,600 single red sea envoy with similar wearing effect, then the single red sea envoy will become very fragrant gone."

There is no calendar nigga to try on the watch on the spot, imagine it yourself through Wuli

Single Red Sea makes 126600

Creative position statement: linear time, the most comprehensive, professional and reliable Rolex new market forecast and purchase advice on the entire network

Everyone should have been screened by new Rolex products yesterday, right? From the announcement of new products this year to the official release, the whole process has created a lot of chatter for watch fans: first, predict in advance what will be released this year, and then there will be such things as "how to buy new Rolex products" (buy with money, what else can you do? buy) and other chicken soup for the soul. But today, let's get straight: how much does it cost to buy a new Rolex?

Rolex actually released a total of hundreds of watches this year. Fortunately, they can be classified into four types: Submariner (Water Ghost), Vertical Navigator (Skywalker), Oyster Perpetual, and Datejust (DJ). 物品。

For VIPs, you don't need to consider too many external factors, just buy what you like, anyway, it's the earliest batch at the counter's public price. For example, a watch friend who graduated from a Rolex sports model in one year has already ordered a brand-new green water ghost, which will be available around October. What's more, according to him, the earliest batch in Europe and America will be available around the end of September. However, for ordinary consumers, Rolex's new models are also very particular about the product level. Which ones will exceed the public price, how long they can be speculated, and how far they can be speculated...all will affect future consumer choices.

Therefore, except DJ, we will talk about the rest one by one.

Brand new DJ just look at it like this

The first is the 32 series new water ghost that has received the most attention among the new models.

On the premise of increasing the diameter of the watch to 41mm and making the lugs more slender and fitting, Rolex has updated the black water ghost, calendar black water ghost, green water ghost, inter-gold blue, inter-gold black, and platinum blue in one breath. , Gold Black, and Gold Blue 8 models.

Among them, the new green water ghost 126610lv is the most controversial. It draws on the color scheme of the 16610lv aluminum ring green water ghost in 2003, green bezel + black dial. Some people say that this combination is very textured and more advanced than the green ring and green disk of the previous generation 116610lv. Some people joked that changing the black disk is more advanced. It is convenient for counterfeiting.

16610LV, left; 126610lv, right

116610LV, left; 126610lv, right

In any case, whether you like it or not is a matter of personal aesthetics. The objective fact is that after the release of the new Green Water Ghost, the prices of the two generations of old models soared rapidly.

Maybe many people don't understand, why the old Rolex will have a surge in market price after the new Rolex comes out. Is there really someone to take over the market at a high level? I think a more reasonable explanation is that this wave of market prices for old models is not to guide sales, but to anchor the market of new models and play a role in raising the foundation. Just imagine, if the price of the old model is 140,000, and the new model with a new movement and a different color of the disk does not come to 160,000, there will be no cards. Therefore, I estimate that the quotation of the first batch of brand-new Green Water Ghosts will be between 160,000 and 180,000, and the tie-in sales at domestic counters will be about 400,000 yuan; after a few months, the supply will be sufficient, and the price will drop to 150,000 about.

The market price of 160,000 to 180,000 or the quota of 400,000 for counters, is it high? Still the same sentence, separate people! Ordinary consumers are definitely not worth it, and there is no need to spend tens of thousands more for the reputation of being the first; but for some people, it is really not expensive, and it is possible to buy the "National First" The title of "the first piece of the forum" is worth it! It's like a big guy who bought a full-film Rainbow Di for 2.2 million, and directly sold 2.1 million to his friends after tearing off the film in the Moments video. According to him, it's a good deal to buy such a high degree of attention for 100,000. If you still don't understand, think about the same mentality of those who raised the price to close the phone on Apple's first launch day or pursued the first kill in online games.

There is another very interesting thing:

Basically, every year when new Rolex products are released, there will be many people who deliberately report low prices for popular models for various purposes, and many newcomers in the watch industry will be fooled by this. This year too, there is the so-called first quotation in Hong Kong and Macau, the brand new Green Water Ghost, 149800HKD.

In my opinion, this quotation is a bit insulting to IQ. Anyone with a little brain knows that it is converted into RMB 133,000 at the current exchange rate of 0.8838. Thirteen thousand! The market price of the old green water ghost is lower than that of the current model. If it is true, I can do it in seconds. I still need the seller to ask everywhere. Let's be serious, the brand just released a new product on September 1st, and the distributors don't know how to order and how many to give, but someone can give the exact price, isn't it just nonsense?

In addition to the new green water ghost, the platinum blue water ghost has also been replaced with a black face that is obviously different from the 31 models.

Although I like this one very much, the overall texture is very high-grade, and the weight is just right, but it will not be a burden to press the hand, but because the public price of the watch is too high, it does not have a wide audience like the steel model, so there is a high probability that it will not be used in the future. It will be too hot. It is estimated that the first batch of market prices will be around 350,000 yuan. After stabilization, it is not impossible to return to around the public price.

The other six brand-new 32-series water ghosts have no obvious difference from the 31-series, which has led to most consumers who already have the old models not updating them, and can only attract those who are still empty-handed, which is equivalent to A lot of potential users have been subtracted, so I think the market prices of the six 32-series water ghosts in a short period of time are corresponding The old model of the 31 series is about 10,000 yuan higher-after all, it has a new movement.

To give a simple example, the market price of the old 31 series gold and black rose from about 106,000 to about 110,000 after the new product came out, so the price of the new 32 series gold and black at that time should be about 120,000.等到市场稳定了之后,这六枚新款的报价才会与老款脱钩,至于脱钩时涨到多少了,没有参考值现在很难判断。不过有一点可以肯定的是,到了那时候,手持这六种31老款想出的人会很难过。表友7t一语惊醒梦中人,“如果新的有历黑水鬼未来行情稳在10万以上,超过了佩戴效果和其差不多的单红海使126600,那单红海使就会变的很香了。”




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